“Brand”源于古挪威语“Brandr”,意为“Burn”,是农民烧在家畜身上,用以区分的标记。 American Marketing Association对品牌的定义:用于区分个人或组织销售的货物和服务,并将其与竞争对手区隔的,名称、术语、标记、符号、设计或以上的组合。 教科书式的品牌定义是正统的,静态的,广告界的品牌定义是弹性的,动态的。 David Ogilvy说:品牌是一种复杂的符号。它是产品属性、名称、包装、价格、历史、信誉、广告方式等的总和。品牌的定义也会由消费者使用该产品的感觉和个人的亲身经验而定。(品牌是消费者对产品的体验和感受。) 电通通过Relation Theme来处理与消费者的关系,通过整体的品牌活动,与消费者接触,创造品牌,实现双赢。
Consult or Merchandise? Are we Consultant or Merchandiser, merchandise newsletters? Enrolled in PR line, we are dancing on a balance beam; we are compelled to make all these in harmony. We want to be a director, to engage in researching, auditing, planning, implementing, appraising and emergency handling, etc. We prefer to value-added service, though sometimes some clients only need the press being exposed widely and positively. Shall we only do the basic and routine job such as copywriting and publication, while without other value-added service? Considering profitability at the time when a PR firm is at a scratch line, it is necessary, while in the long run, it will make us less competitive and rusted. We shall position in consulting, suggest more value-added proposals, create more creative tools and methods, foresee beyond the horizon. We are consultants to merchandise ideas. Pay or No Pay?
[ALIGN-center][img]http://www.yejianfeng.com/Upfiles/200461057474.jpg[/img][/ALIGN-center] 早就有人在我耳边聒噪此本书,觉的这书名太哗众取宠,总是提不起兴趣来。偶然看封面,原来是AL RIES所著,此RIES就是当年和JACK TROUT在AD AGE上提出定位理论的其中一位,从而将广告带入了定位时代。大师所著,不能辱没,当看。再说,也不能以书名来判断一本书的好坏,要不然也不会有那么多的“转身”、“不得不说”、“颠覆”,还有“丰乳肥臀”。 书还是一贯的宽版,大字号,宽行距,大页距,轻泡纸,容易看完。 我觉得这翻译在误导人,什么第一,第二的,其实作者的意思是“THE FALL OF ADVERTISING,THE RISE OF PR”,这是一个动态的过程,还没定性呢。这也难怪,译者看来也不是行内人士,ABSOLUTE VODKA,他非得要说成是阿布斯鲁特伏特加,倒。更有将J WALTER THOMPSON,OGILVY&MATHER也同样来个直译,你可以感觉倒很难听。 作者也多次提到广告和公关的互相配合,所谓新品牌由公关开道,即公关创新品牌,广告维护品牌。所谓FALL和RISE是个相对的概念,事实上作者也承认在年度2000亿美元的美国广告市场,公关费用所占非常少,而且多数大的公关公司还是由广告公司所设立的。也提到一个什么SOME BODY SHOP在公关成功开道后,缺乏广告跟进提醒,最终将消亡。从这里,我倒看出广告第一的味道。
These two days,Michael Jordan make fans and journalists involved in a mystery chase game,Michael is a heat word in papers,though few Chinese can see through the veiled mask made by his agents. When I was off work,I finally have a chance to browse news about Michael in internet and watched the recorded net talk show in Sina. What make me impressed is Michael''s reply to which is his impressed game,the answer is not the last shot in the game with Utah Jazz,but 1984 Olympic game,since he was playing for his country.It is beyond my expectation. Anyway,Michael''s visit is a successful PR event launched by Nike,and the tight arrangement really make Michael exhausted and fully take advantage of his value. Organization of such a sophisticated event is a challenge, a mass of possibilities have to be seriously considered.Though the team is careful,we still see the cancellation of meeting with fans in Nike Training Camp to avoid danger.It is a loss for Nike this time. The joint endeavour make Michael in his Shrine.
Yesterday,I knew there is a Verizon telecommunication company who offer us free-of-charge MSN Premium service. Today,when I linger on internet,I found this brand.In Ad age statistics,it is the NO.1 brand in ad spending in US. In the list of top10,I saw many familiar brands,such as Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Nissan from vehicle line, McDonalds from food industry, Sears from retail line.While,the other 4 brands are telecommunication-concept, such as AT&T,Sprint,Cingular and Verizon.
Basically,Advertising is a discipline studying human psychological activity.Advertising is to study the target audience''s needs and wants,to cultivate their inherent request.While,the product mostly is ranked the second in importance.We dig out the USP,unique selling point,to fulfill the customer''s benefit. I would rather call it be-what-you-need method.New marketing concept advocate customer-oriented method,so does advertising. Imagine you are doing research on persons with different characteristics and consuming habits,how funny and inspiring it is!
词典的意思是鲜明的姿态,我想在MARKETING方面,译作高端的或许给为贴切的。因为HIGH PROFILE有显著的的意思。那么BELOW THE RADAR 是否看作低端的为好?原文: A movie that could have been one of the toughest sells in the history of Hollywood -- an R-rated religious period piece with relentless violence, subtitles and no stars -- has become a textbook study in both high-profile and below-the-radar marketing.
It seems popular for advertiser and agencies to adopt virtual brand prolocutors instead of those stars.It is nothing revelant with cost,though it may do so.We prefer to call it a shortcut for building up new brand or new extension of brand. Two typical cases came into my sight.One is Sammy for San Miguel Light beer, the other is Kehuer for lactobacillus drink.They are created by two notable 4A ad. agencies,Ogivy & Mather and Leo Burnett respectively. Both of them share their common points.The artificial virtual prolocutors are cute,naughty pranksters.They always mischief others,they act aimlessly,they hate bland and boring things,they think home is a boring place,they talk disorganized.On examing those points,I found it is really consisit with characteritics of youngsters aged between 15 and 25.A prolocutor shall represent the benifit of what they advocated for.They made it this time. In branding process,when we finally dig out the core value of a brand after a serises of interrogating brand problems,the task remained is to disseminate the brand''s image,develop different channels to leverage in the marketplace.The brand image must be in tone with the core value,must be consist with characteristics of the target audienc. It is not easy,a big job ahead. We make that through TVCF,leaflets and events,all the ad campaigns bear the image adhear to its core value and customers'' belief.Traditional leverages are indirect,like a pump onto a sponge.