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NBA Joke

CTU detective Tony Almeida was watching Lakers vs Grizzlies match in staples center,then he got a call from Jack.

Tony: hi,Jack? what's going on?

Jack: Tony, are you in the STAPLES Center?

Tony: yup...how did you know that?

Jack: I saw you on the Fox TV...just listen to me...

Tony: wow~~~that's cool! I'm celebrity now!

jack: listen up, Tony! it's urgent!

Tony: what happened,jack?

Jack: my source told me there is an professional assassin in that Center, and CTU needs you to take him down!

Tony: could you give me any detail about this guy?

Jack: he's black, height as 6'8",named Kobe Bryant...

Tony: oh crap! he's definitely an assassin!!!

Jack: what r u talking about?do you know him?

Tony: he just scored 81 in 1 game 2 weeks ago, how can't I...

Jack: what? he killed 81 people just for a game?!?!??!!

Tony: wait, wait, Jack, who's your source?

Jack: you r not supposed to know that, just beli...

Tony: come on Jack, there must be sth going wrong!!!tell me!!!

Jack: an undercover working for the L.A.P.D., named Shark O'Neal.

Tony: You said Shaquille O'Neal ?Jesus...

Jack: OMG,you know him too?

Tony: tell me Jack, have you ever watched one NBA game?

Jack: no, never, I Hate This Game!

Tony: so that's why you're such a BIG fool...






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